Friday, November 23, 2012


Bleh, do you ever have those weeks where it's just like, shit my life, why do I even exist? My week for sure! It's not like I did much of anything but it still sucked :/ I bought a pair of new boots yesterday! They are really awesome, sort of a punk style, but they gave me the biggest blister ever on my heel, which sucks. I got some pants too, which is like the shock of the century. It has been years since I've worn jeans, because I'm so self-conscious of my body, I pretty much only wear lululemon pants. Yeah, so I bought a cream pair with white polka dots and a brown pair. I wore the cream pair today, they are a little big but the size down was too small so I just went with it. I don't really see myself getting any thinner in the near future anyways so they'll do. On the bright side, nobody gave me strange looks so I mustn't have looked too terrible. I put some black and mint coloured streaks in my hair today, they look really awesome, that's what the picture is of btw. ps, I know my shirt looks gigantic and odd but my pillow is the same colour as the shirt I'm wearing so it makes it look funny :)

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